Pass It On – Edgar Green – School in Boonsboro

Reflections from Edgar Green (born in 1912, recollections gathered in 1992) Stories from School About this time, (1924) it was off to Boonsboro to school—quite a change for a country boy. Started in Miss Cressman’s room in the 5th grade. After about 3 weeks, she put...

Pass It On – Edgar Green – Civil War

Stories from Edgar Green (born in 1912) related to the Civil War, as recorded by his daughter Luana Green Goodwin. Civil War Ed reflected: “I’m sorry I didn’t ask my grandfathers more about the Civil War because both remembered it well. They told me how farmers would...

Pass It On Please….

The Boonsboro Historical Society is inviting long-time residents to pass it on…. their memories that is!    The Society and and former Boonsboro resident Luana Goodwin have begun an effort to gather stories from long-time residents. We are interested in...